Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat UIO ry is a student association founded on May 13th, 2008. The purpose of the association is to act as a professional advocate for technology students at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The UIO ry aims to be present on all Metropolia Polytechnic engineering degrees. The core areas of activity include the development of engineering studies and engineering culture as well as the professional interests of engineering students, together with the Union of Professional Engineers “IL”, Union of Engineering Students “IOL” and “Helsingin Insinöörit HI ry” (Engineers of Helsinki).
About us
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences was created when Helsinki University of Applied Sciences Stadia and Espoo-Vantaa University of Applied Sciences EVTEK merged on August 1st, 2008. The integration of the schools had been in planning for a couple of years before the merger. Since the announcement of the plans to merger the two universities, students from the associations “Helsingin Insinööriopiskelijat HIO ry” and the “Espoon-Vantaan Insinöörioppilaat EVIO ry” began discussing together ways to ensure the continuity of their associations. In autumn 2007, a decision was made to establish a new association which combined the previous two student organizations. Later, during the spring of 2008, active participants gathered frequently to discuss the challenges ahead and the goals for future action. The formal founding meeting was finally held in May of the same year. The Finnish Union of Engineering Students “IOL” approved the membership of the new association on August 17th, 2008.
The UIO Association continues the traditions of the previous associations organizing many engineering events, activities, field tours and professional and educational policy advocacy for engineering students. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences has spread technology students across the Helsinki area, making it a challenge to reach all students and above all to encourage them to be active within their studies and the student organization. UIO ry strives to be active in every branch where technical teaching is provided in Metropolia.