Union community

Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat UIO ry is one of the Finnish Union of Engineering Students’s associations.
The Finnish Union of Engineering Students was founded in 1955 and safeguards the professional interests of engineering students and other technology students studying at Universities of Applied Sciences. The Finnish Union of Engineering Students consists of 23 student associations, whose actions are implemented by many active students throughout Finland. The Finnish Union of Engineering Students is the biggest organization in the Professional Engineers in Finland consisting over 17 000 engineering and other technology students.
Founded in 1919, Engineers in Helsinki is an association consisting of graduated engineers and civil architecture professionals. Engineers in Helsinki influences the community of the Professional Engineers in Finland together with other member associations to affect the engineering working life, education and the overall status of engineering as a profession.
The engineering students are also welcomed to the events organized by Engineers in Helsinki.

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland is an Akava trade union with about 70 000 members through its member organisations. The members consist of engineers, other technical experts and engineering students. The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland work towards a better working life.
The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland is at the fore-front of trusteeship. The union offers security, opportunities for success, and high-quality services.
Akava is a trade union confederation of affiliates for educated professionals. Together, Akava’s 36 affiliates have unionized more than half a million employees and professionals. The members of Akava affiliates include employees, as well as students, entrepreneurs and professionals.

Ylemmät Toimihenkilöt YTN ry on yksityisen sektorin neuvottelujärjestö, joka vastaa Akavan jäsenkentässä ylempien toimihenkilöiden neuvottelu- ja sopimustoiminnasta teollisuudessa sekä liike- ja palvelualoilla.
YTN:n missiona on toimia kaikkien ylempien toimihenkilöiden hyvän työelämän puolesta ja hoitaa menestyksellisesti jäsentensä työmarkkinaedunvalvontaa.
Ylempi toimihenkilö toimii asiantuntija-, esimies-, päällikkö- tai johtotason tehtävissä. Ylemmän toimihenkilön työtehtäville on ominaista niiden suhteellisen suuri itsenäisyys ja vastuu.
Lisää työehtosopimuksista voi käydä lukemassa YTN:n kotisivuilta.
JUKO, Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals, is securing that societys funcitions are running proficiently and JUKOs 200 000 wage earners are taking care of the elderly, sick and children as well as upholding sophistication, administration, safety, spare time and culture.
JUKO is negotiating about a collective agreement of 200 000 highly educated employees and supervisors in contract sectors of towns, government, church and universities, so JUKO is the head negotiation organization of these fields.